JD Camera Cars is a trading name of Jonathan Dennis Ltd, all Health & Safety documents are available upon request via our contact page.

Camera Tracking Vehicle - Safety

Due to the potential dangers of filming from moving vehicles, personnel will always make sure that the safety of crew and anyone else in the vicinity takes precedence over all other filming considerations.

The vehicle is run to a strict set of safety rules and has received full backing from the Metropolitan Police Film Unit. In addition, there are guidelines produced by the Metropolitan Police Film Unit that give additional advice for filming on public highways (with or without a police escort). Production are advised to add these to the call sheet along with any general risk assessment undertaken by production. We also require a key representative from production (producer, production manager, 1st AD or director etc) to sign the Safety Guidelines and Procedures document and return it prior to the shoot day, this is not a legally binding document but serves to acknowledge that production have noted the points on it.

Recent legislation and the tightening of existing laws has led to new restrictions when filming on public roads. Please check that the shoot you may be planning does not fall foul of these. Examples include restrictions to all front platform filming, motorised or manually operated crane arms mounted on vehicles and the use of any camera rigs on the outside of vehicles, unless controlled by the police with either police outriders or the closing of roads. I am happy to discuss any specific requirements with production to help make a shoot possible and I also recommend speaking to the Met Film Unit for help and advice, even if filming is not to be in the London area.

In addition to the close working relationship maintained with the Met Police Film Unit, Jonathan Dennis Ltd is an approved vetted supplier with 1st OPTION Safety Group under Action Vehicle Suppliers.

Jonathan Dennis Ltd Codes of Practise, Health and Safety Policies/Guidelines and Risk Assessments are approved and backed by MSS Safety Ltd


Millbrook Proving Ground in Bedford www.millbrook.co.uk,

Longcross Studios in Chobham,

Dunsfold aerodrome in Guildford,

Prodrive in Oxford and most UK and European race circuits including Silverstone, Goodwood, Castle Coombe, the Nurburgring, Ascari...


Contact PC Steve Dixon via: email: filmunit@met.police.uk or telephone: 02 03 05 4 5555

Camera Tracking Vehicle - Heritage

As a former Director of Off Trax Ltd, Jonathan Dennis was an integral part of the camera tracking vehicle service, including the design and construction of the vehicles themselves. Way back in the early days of Off Trax we modified a Long wheel base 127 Land Rover to accommodate the relocation of our first Jimmy Jib remote camera crane. After many requests from clients to be able to track with this configuration we began extensive research and testing. This R&D continues to this day.

In 2004, we added an impressively customised Dodge 2500 RAM to our fleet. Built to our own design specification, the Dodge quickly became our flagship vehicle. We later discovered, however, that due to the many shoots in central London and narrow roads of the UK it was evident this vehicle was too large for purpose. The experience and knowledge of constructing and operating these vehicles gave birth to the third vehicle based on a Volkswagen. Sitting between its two predecessors in terms of size but completely out-performing them in terms of versatility, economy, pace and safety, it is everything our years of research and development could culminate in. This has surpassed all expectations to date and it continues to receive great praise from clients

The vehicles are meticulously maintained and inspected both internally and by external companies to ensure they are always in the best working order. This, combined with a close working relationship with the Metropolitan Police Film Unit and fellow tracking vehicle companies, has enabled provision a first class service and a leading service provider to the television and film industry in the UK and Europe.