JD Camera Cars is a trading name of Jonathan Dennis Ltd, all Health & Safety documents are available upon request via our contact page.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) company policy
Updated JUNE 2020
This company policy includes the measures we are actively taking to mitigate the spread of Coronavirus both within the company and our policy with renting film equipment.
We request you follow these rules diligently, to sustain a healthy and safe workplace in this unique environment. It’s important that we all respond responsibly and transparently to these health precautions.
We assure you that we will always treat your private health and personal data with high confidentiality and sensitivity.
This coronavirus (COVID-19) company policy is subject to changes with the introduction of additional governmental guidelines.
Updates will be posted on our web site www.jonathandennis.co.uk
This coronavirus policy applies to all of our employees and regular self-employed crew who physically work in our office. We strongly recommend that these procedures, or similar, are followed by all personnel. This might include crew, clients and all users in contact with our equipment, whilst out on rental.
Policy elements
Here, we outline the required actions employees should take to protect themselves and their co-workers from a potential coronavirus infection. This could be either through the rental of equipment and the maintenance and disinfecting of said equipment or the general duties of their role.
Film Equipment Disinfecting Protocol
All staff will be provided with government recommended PPE. Freelance crew are required to provide their own. If you don’t have access to suitable PPE and are required to enter the premises or drive a company vehicle please bring this to our attention and this will be provided.
Hand sanitiser will be located at all entrances upon arriving at the building.
Additionally, bottles of 80% antibacterial gel will be distributed throughout the building.
All procedures for the prepping and return of equipment will be carried out by staff. Equipment will be cleaned with professional disinfecting fluid. Where equipment is of a sensitive nature, it will be wiped down with 80% alcohol liquid.
Flight cases will then be sealed with the outside of the cases cleaned, disinfected and sealed.
Collection of kit and vans will be carried out by staff with PPE, and will be handled by one member at a time, thereby limiting contact and maintaining social distancing.
All vehicles will be disinfected prior to use. All areas of contact within the vehicle will be wiped down with disinfecting fluid including steering wheel, stalks, seat belts, buttons and door handles. The driver will be issued with Government recommended PPE and each vehicle will have a dedicated container of 80% alcohol antibacterial gel.
The number of passengers within the company vehicles should also be limited to 1 person, driver only, with the exception of the Tracking Vehicles which have their own guidelines.
Any crew arriving for preps, will follow the procedure of hand sanitising and wearing suitable PPE, including a mask, throughout the day. These can be supplied by the company if required.
General hygiene rules
Wash your hands after using the toilet, before eating, and if you cough/sneeze into your hands (follow the 20-second hand-washing rule). You can also use the sanitizers you’ll find around the office.
Cough/sneeze into your sleeve, preferably into your elbow. If you use a tissue, discard it properly and clean/sanitize your hands immediately.
Open the windows regularly to ensure open ventilation.
Avoid touching your face, particularly eyes, nose, and mouth with your hands to prevent from getting infected.
If you find yourself coughing/sneezing on a regular basis, avoid close physical contact with your co-workers and take extra precautionary measures (such as self isolation). Common work surfaces (toilets, kitchen and prep-bench) will be wiped down daily with anti bacterial solution.
Couriers and delivery/collection
All couriers arriving at the building should follow a strict 2 metre distance rule. All staff must be wearing a facemask and thoroughly wash hands after receiving, unpacking and disposing of the received items packaging. All items, whether coming in or out of the building, should not be passed directly between people. Items should be placed on the floor or suitable surface, and then picked up, maintaining the 2 metre rule at all times.
Signing upon receipt should be avoided completely where possible, most couriers already stipulate this. Alternatively this action must be fulfilled maintaining the 2m distance rule.
All items given to couriers will have been disinfected prior to hand over.
All received items will be cleaned with disinfectant before being opened.
We would encourage clients to send their own couriers to collect and return equipment as this will limit the areas our staff have to go to.
If this is not possible, we can either arrange a courier or staff member to deliver.
We would expect the client to have the equipment in an area easily accessible where we can collect it whilst obeying the 2 metre rule.
The Building
Due to the layout of the building, we are able to observe the 2 metre rule. In the few areas that space is restricted, we will operate a strict ‘one person only’ in common areas.
This includes, both staircases, doorways, corridors and landings from the front door to the warehouse and adjoining rooms.
If somebody is in this area already and a person wishes to get past, they must wait until the area is vacated.
COVID 19 Symptoms
If you have cold symptoms, such as cough/sneezing/fever, or feel poorly, self isolate immediately for the recommended period currently advised by W.H.O and the UK Government, currently 14 days.
If you have a positive COVID-19 diagnosis, you can return to the premises only after you’ve fully recovered, with a doctor’s note confirming your recovery.
Work from home
If you are feeling ill, but you are able to work, you can request to work from home.
If you have recently returned from areas with a high number of COVID-19 cases, we’ll ask you to work from home for 14 calendar days. You may return to the office only if you are fully asymptomatic. You will also be asked not to come into physical contact with any colleagues during this time.
If you’ve been in close contact with someone infected by COVID-19, with high chances of being infected yourself, request work from home. You will also be asked not to come into physical contact with any colleagues during this time.
If you’re a parent and you have to stay at home with your children, request work from home. Follow up with your HR representative to make arrangements and set expectations.
If you need to provide care to a family member infected by COVID-19, request work from home. You’ll only be permitted to return to the office 14 calendar days after your family member has fully recovered, provided that you’re asymptomatic. You will also be asked not to come into physical contact with any colleagues during this time.
Travelling and commuting measures
All work trips and events, both domestic and international, will be cancelled/postponed until further notice.
In-person meetings should be done virtually where possible, especially with non-company individuals.
If you are planning to travel voluntarily to a high-risk country with increased COVID-19 cases, we’ll ask you to work from home for 14 calendar days. You will also be asked not to come into physical contact with any colleagues during this time.
We would encourage all staff members to get to work avoiding public transport if at all possible. Cycling, walking and driving are the best options.